As of June 29th, we have moved to the new Catalyst Physician Group Patient Portal.


Could you be living with a hormone imbalance?

You have a low sex drive, are always tired, and nothing seems to help you lose weight. You've visited your doctor and received medication to help, but then, you began to experience side effects. This treatment of symptoms and side effects can turn into a revolving door that never gives you true relief.

Sound familiar? These symptoms could be due to a hormone imbalance. The good news is that it is easily treatable.

What are the symptoms?


  • Loss of libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Constantly feeling tired
  • Weight gain or trouble losing weight
  • Low bone mass


  • Loss of libido
  • Weight gain or trouble losing weight
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Night sweats
  • Constantly feeling tired
  • Low bone mass

What is EvexiPEL and how can it help you achieve optimal health?

The EvexiPEL Method of hormone replacement therapy has been expertly developed to maximize comfort, reduce inflammation, and deliver steady dosing throughout each treatment cycle. Patients who choose EvexiPEL report better sleep, more energy, improved libido, and a greater sense of vitality. Plus, hormone optimization has been shown to support reduced risk of disease. Discover the difference EvexiPEL can make in your life.

Fill out the form above to learn more.