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Healthy Holiday Eating Strategies

The holidays are a time of celebration, joy and memories, but don’t let the parties, stress and baked goods get to you this year. Holiday weight gain is one of the biggest contributors of total yearly weight gain for many people. Here are some tips to keep you healthy and stay on track with your nutrition goals…

  1. Be Realistic. Whether you are trying to lose weight or not, your goal should be to maintain during the holiday.

  2. Don’t Skip Meals. Stay on schedule with regular meals and a planned snack. Eat before you go and avoid grocery shopping or going to a party on an empty stomach.

  3. Bring a Healthy Dish to Share. Veggies are an easy and healthy option to take to parties. Try roasted veggies or a veggie tray.

  4. Scan the Table First. Look at all of your options before filling your plate. Just because something is there doesn’t mean you have to eat it.

  5. Watch Your Portions. Use a smaller plate and remember the plate method (1/2 plate vegetables, ¼ plate lean protein and ¼ plate whole grains) to keep your plate balanced.

  6. Practice Mindful Eating. Slow down, enjoy your food and be in the moment of the food. Remember the “20-minute rule”.

  7. Be Satisfied, Not Stuffed. Stick to one plate and avoid getting seconds. If the first bite is not good, the second bite is not going to get better.

  8. Choose Desserts Wisely and Savor Them. Sweets are everywhere during the holiday season. Focus on your favorite (and skip the rest). Remember “moderation not deprivation”.

  9. Limit Liquid Calories. Avoid sugary sodas, punches and juices. Try sparkling water with lemon or lime. If you are having alcohol, alternate with a glass of water and stick to lower calorie options such as wine or a wine spritzer.

  10. Don’t Forget to Exercise. It’s easy to skip the exercise when you are busy, but remember exercise relieves stress, burns calories and will help keep you on track with your nutrition goals.

Happy & Healthy Holidays!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.