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How to protect yourself from the flu

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It finally feels like fall! While this fall may look a little different than the ones before – like at-home Halloween celebrations or Thanksgiving meals with just your immediate family – some things are still the same, including the return of cold and flu season.

Luckily, many of the things we’re already doing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 can also help keep us safe from the flu! Here are some things you should be doing to protect yourself (and others) this year.

  • Get the flu shot. This may not be your favorite thing to do during pumpkin spice and football season, but it’s the most important thing you can do! Not only does getting the flu shot help protect you, but it also helps protect those around you. With both the flu and COVID-19 going around at the same time, it’s good to do what you can to keep yourself healthy.
  • Wash your hands. We know you’ve heard this all year but it’s still important. Washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds can help prevent the spread of both the flu and the coronavirus.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick. This one may seem obvious, but you should avoid spending time with people who are sick. And if you aren’t sure if you have COVID-19 or the flu, you should avoid contact with others. If you’re unsure if you have a cold, the flu or COVID-19, schedule a telehealth visit with your family physician here.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes. This one should be easy because we’re already wearing masks! We’ve all heard of the “vampire cough” or “vampire sneeze” where you cough or sneeze into your elbow to protect those around you, and we should still do this while wearing a mask. But if you’re sneezing or coughing into a tissue, remember to wash your hands after!

So what happens if you do get sick?

We know you can’t schedule your illnesses, so you can still see a Village Health Partners family physician on the weekends for sick visits! You’ll have peace of mind knowing that your urgent care provider has access to your medical records, so they know what medications you’re taking and your medical history, and your primary care provider will have access to information about your visit. You also won’t have to worry about emergency room costs!

If you’re not feeling well enough to get out of bed, your family physician can still care for you! Click below to schedule a telehealth appointment.


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.