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Blood Pressure Check in Plano, TX

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Village Health Partners in Plano, TX offers routine blood pressure and cholesterol screenings. Our medical practice recommends that individuals, especially seniors, monitor and manage their blood pressure and cholesterol annually, and in some cases, more frequently if necessary. A healthy number in both areas equal a healthy heart. Following a healthy lifestyle and eating a balanced diet are huge contributors to keeping both of these numbers at a steady, normal rate. In addition, weight control and adhering to a lifestyle that avoids smoking and limits alcohol use is also crucial to maintaining a healthy heart. Our trained practitioners work with patients to provide accurate heart health checks and offer programs to help reduce the risk of coronary disease.

Blood Pressure Monitoring

Approximately 1 out of every 3 adults has high blood pressure. The older an individual gets, the more prevalent high blood pressure becomes. Blood pressure consists of two numbers, one being the systolic pressure, which measures the pressure of blood against the artery walls when the heart pumps blood during a heartbeat. The second number is the diastolic pressure, which measures the same pressure, but measures the number when the heart fills with blood. Both numbers are taken during a physical exam, and both are important. If one is off, than the other will be as well. A normal reading for blood pressure is 120/80. High blood pressure is also referred to as hypertension and is characterized when these numbers reach 120-139 (for systolic) and 80-89 (for diastolic).

Cholesteral Screening

Everyone has a certain amount of cholesterol in his or her bloodstream. Cholesterol is a type of fat in the blood that is actually needed by the body. Naturally, the body produces all the cholesterol it needs, but many individuals suffer from high cholesterol because of the foods they eat. When your cholesterol is high, this can cause build up on key arteries, causing a hardening of the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. There are several different types of cholesterol, including LDL (the “bad” cholesterol) and HDL (the “good”) cholesterol. It is important to have an overall cholesterol reading of around 200 mg/dL or lower. This breaks down to include the following numbers: HDL of 50 or higher for females and 40 or higher if male, and for LDL, 100 or lower.

Symptoms to Watch

Unfortunately, having high cholesterol and/or high blood pressure does not necessarily bring unwanted symptoms. Many of the symptoms reside on the inside of the body, in which we cannot see. This is why annual screenings are so important. In severe cases, some patients may experience light-headedness, dizziness, tingling sensations in the arms or feet, trouble breathing, and/or headaches.


If it is determined that a patient has high blood pressure or high cholesterol, our practitioners will work to manage the problem. Many factors can help turn these numbers around, including weight loss, having a healthy diet, exercise, and in some cases, medication.

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1 Hour
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Get Heart Healthy Today

We invite you to call our medical practice and schedule your appointment and get your "lipids score" today so that you can keep track and manage your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Having healthy scores in both of these areas are important for maintaining a healthy heart. Our trained professionals are here to help.

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