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3 Ways To Take Your Heart Health Seriously at Home

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Did you know that nearly 20.1 million adults who are 20 years of age or older have coronary artery disease? In honor of Heart Health Month recognized each February, your team at Village Health Partners wants to remind you to take care of your heart this month and every month.

Here is our team dressing up last Friday, for “Wear Red Day” to help raise awareness for the importance of heart health for women!

Village Health Partners team m

With this in mind, when’s the last time you took a step back to evaluate your contributions towards your whole-person wellness? Are you doing all you can to be your healthiest self? Are you truly maximizing your efforts to keep your health and heart in the best condition possible? Aside from coming inside your primary care provider’s office for your annual wellness exam, there are a few other simple, yet effective things you can do outside the office to help keep your heart in tip-top shape!

Add these practices to your daily routine to keep your heart health top of mind!

Keep moving – Physical activity is one of the best ways to strengthen the heart. Regular aerobic exercise (an activity that increases your heart rate and breathing) helps to improve blood flow which can lead to lower blood pressure. Examples of this include swimming, bike riding, brisk walking, jogging, and dancing. 

Stop smoking – Those who smoke are 2 to 4 times more likely to develop heart disease than non-smokers. If you are a smoker, we encourage you to quit now. Quitting smoking yields numerous benefits for your health and those around you including a lower risk for cardiovascular diseases, protects your loved ones from secondhand smoke, reduces your risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and more.

Stress management  - We all need a healthy outlet! Engaging in more enjoyable practices that help you relax is not only helpful for your mental health, but can also benefit your physical health too! Stress can cause high blood pressure, which may also put you at a greater risk of a stroke or heart attack. In some individuals, high stress levels can lead to unhealthy habits such as overeating, reduced physical activity, and smoking. Scheduling more time for downtime and self-care, could help to significantly reduce daily stress.

Did you know you have access to two licensed professional counselors in Plano, TX who can support you on your wellness journey? Learn more about them and find out what to expect during a counseling visit at Village Health Partners here

Working towards a healthier heart

Smoking cigarettes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure can significantly raise your risk for heart disease. Other common health conditions and habits that can lead to heart disease include a lack of physical activity, an unhealthy diet, excessive alcohol consumption, diabetes, and obesity. Partnering with a dietitian supports you in making healthy lifestyle changes that can help lower your risk of developing conditions that cause heart disease. Melanie Wilder and Britney West are registered dietitians who are passionate about supporting their patients with nutrition and weight loss management by creating individualized plans that fit each lifestyle. Learn more about your dietitians in Plano, TX and schedule an appointment here.

If you need assistance creating healthier habits for your heart, we encourage you to visit with a dedicated primary care provider today!

To schedule an appointment, please text your preferred location below:

  • West Plano Medical Village: Text (469) 382-4891
  • Independence Medical Village: Text (469) 382-3548
  • McKinney Medical Village: Text (469) 382-3717
  • Frisco Medical Village: Text (469) 382-3415

Regardless of the date published, no content on this website should ever be used as a replacement for direct medical advice from your primary care provider or another qualified clinician.


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.