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Some good news this Earth Day

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COVID-19 has taken a toll on everyone, from here in North Texas to across Europe, Asia and every continent. But, there have also been some positives that have come out of social distancing and businesses temporarily closing. Not only are we more connected than ever through technology, our planet has seen some major changes within the last month. Here is some good news for the 50th Earth Day. 

Our air is cleaner than last year. 

The air we’re breathing now is cleaner than the same time last year! With roads, stores, factories and more being temporarily shut down to limit the spread of the coronavirus, the amount of pollution has significantly decreased! From late March to mid April, New York City has seen a 25% decrease in pollution over the same time last year. New Delhi – the capital of India and a place that consistently tops poor air quality lists – has decreased pollution by 60% over this time last year. Social distancing and decreasing our travel has significantly improved the air we breathe. 

We can see the Himalayan Mountains. 

People living in India living near the Himalayas can see them for the first time in 30 years! Because of the steep drop in pollution levels due to coronavirus restrictions, people can now see the mountains from more than 100 miles away. 

Waters in Venice are clear. 

Lower levels of pollution have also made things clearer in Europe. In Venice, Italy, canals that usually have murky water are now clear with fewer motorboats and better air quality. Check out some photos by clicking here.

Vulnerable animal populations are thriving. 

While many of us are sad to cancel beach trips, turtles across the world are thriving with beaches being closed to the public. Leatherback turtles in Thailand have built the largest number of nests in 20 years. The same turtles in Florida have also seen a significant increase in the number of nests with a lower chance of them being disturbed by people.

Focusing on positive things can really help us make the most of the changes we’re making for the health and safety of us, our families and our communities. It can also help reduce stress and improve our mental health. 

If anxiety and stress are impacting your overall wellness, counselors Melanie Hoffman and Marissa Stanfill visit with you through a telehealth appointment.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.