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Learn More About Your Counselors!

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Did you know there are two counselors in Plano, TX available to you at Village Health Partners? Melanie and Marissa are an essential part of your care team and are passionate about supporting patients through challenges and helping them restore quality of life.

Learn more about who your counselors are, what counseling means to them, their go-to mental health practices, and more!


Meet Melanie Hoffman, LCSW

Q: When did you choose to become a counselor and what brought on that decision?

A: Early in my life I seemed to be a person that people came to in difficult times and experiences. I offered non-judgmental listening, safe places for people to share, and noticed how important it was for people to just feel heard and understood. I received frequent remarks from these friends and strangers about how they felt better, lighter, and encouraged. While working in a completely different career, I looked for opportunities to make a change and finally had that opportunity to return to school and make the change that brought me into a place of being better aligned with personal goals, values, and energy for the second half of my life and career.

Q: What are your personal favorite practices to care for your mental health?

A: Quiet downtime, making time for absence from urgent tasks and responsibilities, allowing personal energy to guide choices, and being self-aware of what my body and mind is needing for recovery. Also, making time for connections with key personal relationships. Last, daily time for laughter, humor, and comedy that offers relief from the seriousness of the day.

Q: What is a common misconception people have about counseling?

A: Probably the biggest misconception is that counseling will not change anything and believing that talking with close friends is the same. Other misconceptions are that they will be forced to talk about something they don’t want to, pushed out of their comfort zone, or must be committed to weekly visits for an extended period of time.

Q: What do you have to say to someone who's not sure if counseling is right for them?

A: Ask, research, and talk with others who have had success with counseling. Look at options for services and care (in-person visits, telehealth visits, or a combination) that fit personal needs and schedules. Be assertive about asking critical questions of any counselor that is being considered such as training, types of therapy that is used, any special accommodations that may be needed, special focuses such as training in trauma, or cultural knowledge and experience.

Q: What else should patients know?

A: Mental health is so very critical to quality of life, how we think about life, and the ability to have positive connections with all of our relationships. It creates the opportunity for seeing ourselves in the best possible light that increases confidence and resiliency during times of difficulty. Last, never underestimate the strong connection between our mental health and our physical health and how giving both the necessary time and attention leads to the best outcome possible for living our best lives.

Click here to schedule with Melanie today!


Meet Marissa Stanfill, LPC

Q: When did you choose to become a counselor and what brought on that decision?

A: From a young age I have always gravitated toward helping others in different ways. As I grew older and really started to think about how I could serve others I felt counseling was the right fit for me. I view counseling as a career path which embodies everything I believe in - the power of how a relationship can be healing for people. The use of compassion, validation, empathy, acceptance, and education as interventions. The belief that I can take on different roles in a session to help others feel in control and confident about their own choices and lives.

Q: What are your personal favorite practices to care for your mental health?

A: I like to be purposeful in my self-care practices and I do these practices as part of my daily routine. Viewing my well-being as non-negotiable instead of viewing it as a luxury is a key philosophy I live by. I enjoy practicing mindfulness exercises because it encourages me to look inward and focus on what I need and want so these things can be met in a healthy manner. Currently, I find being outdoors in nature, trying new things, and socializing with friends and family are what my self-care looks like. My self-care can look different depending on what is going on in my life which is why I find it important to check in with myself periodically on what I need and want so I am able to recharge, maintain my well-being, and feed my soul.

Q: What is a common misconception people have about counseling?

A: Common misconceptions I have heard from people are as follows:

  • Counseling is for crazy people
  • People think it’s an expert telling them how to live their lives
  • If they admit to struggling with an issue in a session they will be locked up in an insane asylum and the keys will be thrown away
  • Once you start counseling it could last for years

These are just a few things I have heard over the years while practicing.

Q: What do you have to say to someone who's not sure if counseling is right for them?

A: I would encourage them to give it a chance, but I would also take the opportunity to remind them that they have full control regarding what services they feel are a good fit for them. Helping people understand they have autonomy and power over their wellbeing and mental health is key.

Click here to schedule with Marissa today!


Counselors in Plano, TX

Are you interested to know more about what to expect at a counseling visit at Village Health Partners? Click here to find out what you can see a counselor for, what happens at your first session, your overall cost, and more!


To schedule your counseling session please select your preferred choice below:

Telehealth Appointments

Melanie Hoffman: Click here

Marissa Stanfill: Click here


In-Office Appointments

Marissa Stanfill: Text (469) 382-3548



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.